Thanks to all the readers who wrote and told me they enjoyed the Mu Mu Pi comic a few weeks back. We will soon have a second comic, by a different creator and much different, but I think you'll like it, funny story and great drawings.
Several years ago, my wife and I agreed to a temporary relocation to a city in the South. We decided to buy a secluded home near the university that also included a small rental cottagein the back.
As we had always lived in the north, we wanted to take advantage of the long season of warm weather, and wanted to fulfill a life long dream of having our own built in swimming pool. We ended up having most of the back yard torn out and replaced with the pool, a nice patio overlooking the pool and a cabana like structure along one side that served as a pool house, to retain some privacy.
The previous owner had a long time tenant in the back rental, who decided to move on after the first year. He was a college instructor and he suggested some graduate students that he knew as tenants. They were both females, in their mid twenties, studying art history.
As we knew very few people, and I travelled a lot, I thought this would be good company for my wife. They hit it off immediately, so it was nice to know she had some young ladies to keep her entertained while I was out of town. It was also pleasant to return home to a house filled with good conversation and laughter.
One of the young ladies was tall, and maybe a bit plain, but had a very pretty smile and beautiful blonde hair. Her name was Kendra The other one, Susie, was shorter, and brunette, but a very perky face. They both had the nice figures of women of that age.
We had an early and unusually hot Spring that year, so my wife and our tenants really pushed me to get the pool open early. It took a few weeks for the water to finally get warm enough to swim, but it was still an opportunity to get some sun. Soon both my wife and her young friends had perfect tans. In fact it occurred to me in passing that these tans were almost too perfect
Eventually the water warmed up enough so while a swim was still brisk, it was refreshing. Every evening I looked forward to a nice dip before dinner while my wife prepared dinner. Sometimes our tenants would join us for dinner or a cocktail on our backyard patio, but with final exams drawing closer, they spent most of their time on campus studying, finishing up projects and such. During finals week we hardly saw them at all.
We knew they were putting in a lot of long hours, so my wife suggested that we throw them a little party after their last exam. The young ladies thought that would be fun so I arranged to take the afternoon off from work that day so we could have a barbeque and drinks for lunch and enjoy the pool.
On my way home, my wife called me on my phone to ask me to pick up a few things she had forgotten at the store. I pulled into the garage and grabbed the grocery bags and came through the door into the kitchen. As I was emptying the items into the pantry, I heard my wife enter through the sliding door from the pool behind me.
Hello, I said, as I turned. There was my wife, with a towel wrapped around her. While I thought that was a bit strange, I didnt think about it too much. Come grab some drinks here and lets go outside, she said. Weve been waiting for you.
I followed her out carrying a tray of glasses, but what greeted me almost caused me to drop them. My wife flung her towel off, revealing that she was completely nude, and immediately dove into the pool, where our two young renters were already swimming.
Come join us, they both shouted. Susie, the brunette, did a surface dive, showing her bare bottom as she slipped under. Kendra treaded water for a bit, but it was obvious she was as naked as the other three. Suddenly it occurred to me why those tans looked so perfect, with just the slightest hint of tanlines on their bottoms.
I guess this is clothing optional, then? I asked. They all laughed. Excuse me then while I change into something a bit more comfortable, I recalled saying, or something witty like that. I stepped back in the house and practically sprinted to our bedroom where I emerged a minute later, with a towel wrapped around me. As I came into the pool area, all three of them were laying on the pool loungers, my wife laying on her back, propped up, and the other two on their stomachs, but all facing me. Ok off with it, my wife commanded.
This is a bit embarrassing ladies, I protested. But to the sounds of clapping and whistling, I threw the towel aside and did a cannonball into the water, splashing water on my spectators. They soon joined me jumping in and climbing out of the pool, where I could obseerve both the young ladies' beautiful, but entirely different bodies. Kendra, the taller one, seemed to glide with a confident, provacative stride, with her slender hips somewhat forward. Her breasts were firm and athletic. Susie had fuller breasts that bounced as she almost skipped, rather than walked. Her bottom, nicely tanned was well rounded. Unlike Kendra, she had shaved her pubic hair, which I had never seen before. My wife, rather than being threatened by this, almost seemed to preside over it all, like a queen with her retinue. Although almost 15 years older, she still had her figure and enjoyed her nakedness.
After swimming and sunbathing and a few drinks to loosen up the conversation, my wife and her two friends confessed they had been wanting to get me out to join them au naturelle for several weeks, but couldnt figure out how to do it until my wife had the idea of the party. They all admitted how silly they were to worry about it.
For the rest of the day, we ate and drank and enjoyed ourselves, and thereafter, nudity became a casual thing around the house, which I admit I enjoyed. It was with much sadness that they both had to leave for summer jobs a week later, in other cities.
Sam F
 "I decided to look at DOMAI again, and decided to join. Nothing to do with your website design or information, I could see that the girls were beautiful and it looked like a very good site. However I didn't realize how large your collection was, or how good!" - PV in Canada <pvuk[=at=]shaw.ca
[e-mail address used with permission]





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