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Your communication matters to us.

We are always happy to hear from you and will respond within 24 hours, please email us at

Sorry, we are not taking submissions from new photographers for the foreseeable future. I can't tell for how long.

We don't share your email address or last name with anybody, and we don't publish your letter if you say not to.

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We work hard in the office, but the dress code is relaxed.

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We keep working on answers to your mails until we get it right.

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We can't deny that your letters sometimes confuse us, but we forge ahead.




members' entrance

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DOMAI secretaries with the most modern equipment stand ready to answer your enquiries

"Just wanted to drop a quick note to thank you and tell you how impressed I have been with your very, very prompt responses to my e-mails. I appreciate DOMAI for so many reasons and your rapid e-mail replies just provide me with one more reason that I see NO reason to ever again become a member of any other site. Bless your work..." - Jeffrey B

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The fan mail is pouring in, but we are on top of it.

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All that work can be exhausting, but modern libertism makes positions optional.

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Every secretary is trained in error-fixing of the modems, even the top-modern 2400 Baud ones.

(Thanks to Igor for help collecting images.)