It is great to see and hear from Brooke again, and to submit a second letter to Domai. My first letter was kindly published in a newsletter last year (June 20, 2008). Since then, our experiences without clothes along the remote beaches and islands of South Carolina have been amazing and enjoyable. In this letter, I would like to share more insight, ideas, and progress for readers and naturist leaders to consider.
First, along with wishing you well, and thanking Domai for another great year of high-value, beautiful, tasteful nude images, I wanted to second Brooke's proactive advice for people to boldly experience the euphoric freedom of being fully naked in secluded nature, out on sunny shorelines, or in swimming pools. If one is so inclined, capturing these natural moments via professional photography is one secret to naturism's long-term documentation and success into mainstream acceptance. Seeing people of all ages and body styles smile during the ultimate contentment of outdoor nudity is what it's all about.
Secondly, we have learned that beach and island areas adjacent to coastal golf courses, nature reserves, and lighthouses during low tides provide ideal landscapes for exploring the seclusion and peaceful shedding of clothing far from public view. These areas usually consist of naturally private sand dunes, rock formations, tree lines, and waters. Perhaps the most joyful experience for me is gaining a life-partner who plots and plans new naturist experiences as often as I do. Shaking with enthusiasm, we venture outside almost every week to shed our clothes somewhere outdoors.
Thirdly, viewing tasteful nude beach and resort photo galleries online is a helpful way for couples and their friends to learn about, sample, and imagine relaxing nude outdoors for themselves more often. We found that this evidence of real-life people enjoying outdoor nudity breaks down barriers of shyness. We have since grown close with two local couples whom also enjoy the exploration, excitement, and experience of non-sexual nudity outdoors. One couple we met online. Another couple we found tanning naked in the sand dunes! A third couple we met last week at a beachside cafe. We are now making plans to visit a nude Caribbean resort together, as Brooke also suggested, for a naturist beach weekend as a group with a professional photographer.
Since I've last written to Domai, local naturist movements, nude beaches, and the awareness of clothing-optional destinations have both proliferated and closed down in the USA. Thanks to the internet, non-sexual naturist photos and mainstream nude beach articles have gained positive acceptance. The topic of sunning naked, traveling to nudist resorts, and "life without tan lines" comes up easier and more frequently in modern conversations. Sadly, evidence of excessive alcohol use and lewd sexuality at some resorts detracts from the naturist movement. However, authentic nudists can safely find places to enjoy themselves, view images of what the surroundings and culture might be like, and learn how to join naturist area legislation efforts in their area, if they so desire. The primary result is that more people worldwide are becoming less shy about shedding their clothes outdoors.
Here in Charleston, South Carolina, people are shedding their clothes outside more and more. The international culture and vast open landscapes here have reached both critical mass and initial legal progress toward designating one or more secluded beaches or islands as upscale, mature, and clothing-optional. In fact, Anne and I have been enjoying the discovery of the many secluded beaches and islands near Charleston, usually by boat. At private homes and pools, small clusters of people are also shedding their clothes and becoming more comfortable around others. These small groups then venture out to secluded beaches, islands, or lakes to experience being naked away from their everyday surroundings.
In fact, the warm coastal areas of the southern Unites States and Gulf Coast consist of multiple clusters of small, often uninhabited, secluded beaches or islands. They often require a modest trek on foot, riding a bicycle, or via boat to reach and enjoy. Similar to Caribbean and Mediterranean Island tourism, American town council leaders are wising up to the increased revenue potential of small clothing-optional area proposals. Why? Unlike one-visit-is-enough tourist stops, the desire to shed one's clothing outdoors is proving to be an ongoing, inextinguishable, and profitable passion worldwide. However, due to regular tourism revenues, many beach town and resort officers are considering the establishment of clothing-optional zones via schedules that will permit nudity, just not during busy weekends and holidays. These and other compromises are helpful ways forward.
For this reason, Haulover Beach is a wildly popular clothing-optional zone in Miami, Florida USA. The city's business leaders, lawmakers, and investors finally analyzed the massive revenue streams lying dormant by failing to serve the global nudist community. This 0.4 mile (0.64 km) stretch of South Beach in Miami now attracts over 1.3 million visitors and earns over $185 million annually by legally allowing fully-nude sunbathing between two strictly enforced fences. There are hundreds of small islands and secluded beaches throughout America that could economically benefit from clothing-optional law changes and use.
Eolake, we have you, Domai, OrientBeach, and other online galleries to thank for the global acceptance of naturism. Nudist websites illustrate the thousands upon thousands of couples who document their unshackling into online history once they return home from their au naturale vacation to post images of themselves. People like Anne and myself can see for ourselves that we are not alone, and that there are millions of others completely comfortable wearing nothing except sunscreen and a pair of shoes outside! Swimming, hiking, boating, camping, cooking, and athletics are experiences that can be enjoyed naked. As Brooke explained so well "being nude is therapeutic."
I hope Domai is able to share OrientBeach [dot] com with Domai readers, so the entire community can learn about the area and visit its online portal. I have no affiliation with Club Orient, Jamaica, or any website. Anne and I simply enjoy its real world guest posts often. Nudist travelers are wonderful enough to post thousands of images of their adventures from locales around the world. The site appears to be peer-reviewed for appropriate content, and supported by legitimate resort and travel advertisers. Other Caribbean and worldwide naturist destinations also advertise and inform, which is helpful for everyone with questions or shyness.
A critical fourth point, whereas Domai is a professional photography site with very beautiful and youthful female models, OrientBeach photos are submitted by international naturists and couples of all shapes, sizes, ages, and races. What is so extraordinary is how comfortable, joyful, and welcome these different people feel in their naked skin. The one likeness shared between them is the smile and energy of each person's face regardless of age or body style as they enjoy life to the fullest, naked outdoors.
As we all explore, experience, and document being nude for ourselves more and more, it is critical to document both the beauty of professional models and the beauty of real-life nudists. Not everyone is comfortable publishing images of their faces, but their bodies and their surroundings are equally as beautiful. This is why I commend Brooke's wonderful awakening and Lawrence's continued documentation of her shedding her clothes. Anne and I would urge readers to actively explore your local surroundings, gather with like-minded naturists at home or on vacation, and document the dropping of your own clothes. If readers are motivated to assist with the designation, legalization, and economic awareness of clothing-optional beaches, resorts, islands, lakes, and parks, these progressions and advancements would be a bonus shared by all.
Thank you,
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