I'm always happy to read letters such as this week's. I hope Mankind will continue to progress towards ability to enjoy beauty of all kinds without irrational fear and shame.
Letters To DOMAI
...you were cruel to me as a kid and planted within me a seed of misunderstanding
but today I can say with pride that the seed has died because I love looking at pretty women, and I am not ashamed of it.
Just thought I would take a few moments to say thank you. Dont know if you realize it or not but you and your websites have had a profound impact on my life. Since I was a child I have always admired the beauty of the female form. But regrettable I was raised in an environment that for years convinced me that I was dirty for enjoying the sight of a beautiful woman. When you grow up you are going to be a Dirty old man. If I had a dollar for every time I heard that I would have had enough to put me through college.
For years I felt bad about looking or even thinking about a beautiful woman, and eventually I withdrew within myself becoming very shy around women. As time went on I tried to tell myself that I was Ok and the rest of the population had a problem
to make a long story short I failed and avoided women that where very beautiful, I was afraid that they would also think I was a dirty old man.
Then approximately a year ago you had a black and white photo contest which I entered and won one of the first place titles. The day I received the passwords to your sites, I was like a kid at Christmas, there were so many beautiful gifts to open I did not know where to start. It was then that my life changed forever. I realized that there were thousands of people the world over that enjoyed a daily feast of beauty simply by logging onto your DOMAI website. My confidence was restored and it was just a matter of time before I was approaching women and asking them if they would mind sitting for me so that I might photograph the beauty that radiates from their being.
A month ago I celebrated turning 50 and I thought, if some of the heartless people from my child hood were here today I would tell them, you were cruel to me as a kid and planted within me a seed of misunderstanding
but today I can say with pride that the seed has died because I love looking at pretty women, and I am not ashamed of it.
So Thanks again Eolake for being the key that unlocked the door to a world of pleasure, a door that was closed for way too many years, blocking my vision of Gods greatest work of art. I hope he blesses you with a long life so that you may continue to share the abundance of beauty we call woman.

"There is no question in my mind that you have put together the premier women's tasteful web site. Nothing compares and I stopped comparing long ago. Just about every other "girlee" site has a way of trapping you into pop-up adds, redirects, and other ways to destroy your computer and your day." - Jim <Jimsbmwz3[=at=]yahoo.com
[e-mail address used with permission]

This was again one of these weeks where I just couldn't decide between all the top photos which came for members this week, so I decided to make a Free bonus gallery. - Eolake

Upcoming Models page was updated 16 Nov.
These are samples from the members' section. In fact only from this week's pages! And the pages go back to the nineties.
Pictures are available in 6X sizeJoin today.