I get many, many letters from artists which say that the photos here inspire them in their art. This is great, but equally pleasant and perhaps less expected is that I also get letters from writers who say the same. (Read the second letter below.)
This is very gratifying, especially since many say that they have not found any other site which could fulfil this purpose for them.
In my heart, art has always been next to the divine, and so supporting it is essential to me.
My Nephews photo album
Last month I bought a new, complex, digital camera. My nephew, Paul, was into photography and agreed to help me with it. Paul is twenty-two years old and just graduated from a local University. He works at the hospital and wants to go to medical school. In his small flat, he had a couple professional lighting fixtures in the corner. He clearly invested in his hobby.
He showed me a large album of his recent work. It was a great study of light and the shapes of the female form. Most were shots of a hip, an elegant back, or a partial breast in shadow and light. Some of the work was in black and white and some were silhouettes. He illustrated the simplicity, geometry, and beauty of an arched back. He captured the simple beauty of the freckles on a smooth leg leading to a delicate foot. The album was an incredible celebration of women. Paul taught me how to use my camera for greater depth-of-field and much more. I practiced with images of Paul, a chair, an apple, and other objects in his apartment. Looking back at his big album, I was amazed he could find or pay for professional models. Paul looked at me strangely and said, This one is Aunt Courtney. I could not believe that these nude shapes were women from our family. It was an album celebrating the women in the family.
I was still thinking about what Paul said when he picked up his expensive camera and asked if I would pose for him. He did not have any men at that point and he wanted to focus on my shoulders. Now I understood why everyone posed for young Paul. He was very professional, complimentary, and matter of fact. I took off my shirt and asked him where I should stand. Sit on this couch and look into the hall, but you need to be naked. At this point, I just said why not. He explained the photographic details of each shot. I was impressed with his skill and how I felt at ease.
I went from relaxed to shocked as I saw my sister-in-law Courtney walk up to the door. Apparently she came by to pick up a print that Paul made for her. I was sitting on a bath towel and adjusted it to cover my lap with a smile. He got me too. She laughed and sat right next to me. As Courtney talked, I looked at her with different eyes. I appreciated her long arms and the light blonde hair that caught the sunlight. Pauls album gave me a non-sexual Domai moment, a new appreciation of her beauty in detail.
Paul asked Courtney to stay and help me pose for the shoulder and back shots. She helped by pushing my shoulder blade this way and tilting my head that way. My towel had to drop away, but it seemed okay. Paul asked Courtney if she would pose with me. We both agreed to pose and not to discuss our modeling with the rest of the family. Posing with another person took more concentration, but it was fun and we had a few laughs. Courtney refused to let me send one of our photos into Domai, but they turned out well due her beauty and Pauls skill.
- Jeff
July 17, 2010
To: Eolake Stobblehouse, Founder
DOMAI Simple Nudes & Goddess Nudes
Dear Eolake,
On behalf of writers everywhere, thank you for your www sites! Ive found no other sites that so eloquently display the female human body in its natural beauty. The variety of women presented seems endless; all magnificent in their own way.
Im an unpublished novelist who is nearly finished with my first novel. As a former cop who worked in St. Louis North side ghetto for more than a decade, writing about cops is a natural course for my literary efforts. My story stays true to the writers saleable mantra; sex, violence, politics, betrayal and humor. Ive observed all during my police career, as well as the nepotism, cronyism and favoritism inherent to the operation of the state government, which is inextricably entwined with the Police Department.
Constructing pictures with words is paramount to creating enjoyable and satisfying novel reading. Sex scenes are--of course--literary hooks that hold the readers interest. But they can be much more if done well. So creating for readers a sharp mental image of the delightful bodies of female characters is paramount to the sex scenes as well as overall character development. I was struggling with this aspect until I discovered your sites.
The photos in Simple Nudes and Goddess Nudes have helped me immeasurably in describing the intricacy and beauty of the female body
head to toes. The natural, wholesome imagery of your sites is something that Ive not found in any of the porn sites. Thanks again. Please keep up your good work.
Michael K

"Hello, I have been an admirer of your site for about a month now but just joined tonight. I just wanted to say thank you for the site and for opening my eyes to what true beauty is. - Jace < jpguy45[at]gmail.com> [e-mail address used with permission]






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