nude pics, photos of nude woman and models

Letters To DOMAI


Thanks again for being a voice of reason in this insane world. And thank Sara for me, just for being who she is. It's encouraging to know that there are some women out there who understand their gift of beauty. Her flip side of the Domai pledge is as priceless as her beauty, for what good is beauty hidden away?

Every woman I've been lucky enough to be naked with so far has had a hard time believing that I find her beautiful. My current lover tried to hide her tummy because she (barely) has some surgery scars. The one before that couldn't believe I could be attracted to her at all because she's curvy, not skinny. The one before that knows that she has an awesome body, but can't understand why men look at her. She would tell me, "That guy just looked me up and down! Why do men DO that?"

Each one would notice me looking at them and say, "What?" as if she thought that I'd noticed some flaw or blemish. I'd say, "I just like looking at you." Then I'd point out her best features while she'd give me skeptical looks.
With patience and time, a wonderful thing happened. Each woman finally accepted my insistence that she was beautiful. Each one eventually relaxed and even posed for me.

Some of my most cherished memories are of seeing these women blossom before my eyes. It's more than just being comfortable in their own skin, it's a kind of confidence that they are acceptable, valuable, desirable; that it's normal for a man to enjoy looking at them. The more they believed in their own beauty, the more beautiful they became, for my benefit and others, but mostly for their own.

It taught me the importance of acknowledging a woman's beauty for her sake.

Today, in a hardware store, I noticed a stunning brunette walking towards me. She noticed me and closed her coat, looked away, and kind of turned away as she walked past. I was shocked at the volume of her body language, "Don't look at me!" As I recovered from this non-verbal slam, another pretty brunette turned down the aisle. She saw me looking and smiled. She walked a little more upright, put some spring in her step, and caught my eye. I returned her smile and looked her up and down. Returning my gaze to her eyes, her unmistakable unspoken look said, "You're welcome."

Both these women wore wedding rings. I could only wonder what made the difference. I think at some point some man convinced the second one of the value of her beauty. The first obviously didn't have that experience, even from her husband. I felt a little sad for her.

Not only do men need to look, women need to believe they are lookable.

-- Daniel

[This letter has also been posted on my blog if you wish to comment.]

Newsletter archive

"Could I just take the opportunity to thank you for all of the work you must have put into building up this web site. It goes without saying that the quality of the photographs is excellent, and often stunning at times. However just as important is the total lack of pop ups and advertising - helping to make it a totally relaxing experience browsing through the pages." - Richard H <huggibear[-at-]>
[e-mail address used with permission]

I decided to go with large images this week. - Eolake










These are samples from the members' section. In fact only from this week's pages! And the pages go back to the nineties.
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