My Brown Eyed Girl
Ive been reading Domai letters for some time now, and really enjoy hearing about other peoples experiences with serendipitous moments of beauty. Ive had a few such encounters, but my favorite doesnt involve a stranger, but rather a girl I dated for a few years. Im nearly 50 years old now, but back when I was in my teens, growing up in a small northern Midwest town, I met a beautiful young woman who was a year older. We became friends, then high school sweethearts. I was naive and shy around girls, but with her it just seemed so easy. She was bright and funny, with large dark brown eyes that danced in the light. She was tiny, just barely over 5 feet tall, and about 100 pounds soaking wet, with long brown wavy hair, and a cute little pixy face. Even though we were serious in the relationship, we took the physical component slowly, growing in love and respect before we moved further. Eventually, about a year into the relationship, we did become sexually active, and over the course of time I had many opportunities to witness her beauty without clothing. But its interesting how you may see something many times without really seeing it.
One long summer holiday weekend when we were about 17 or 18, her folks decided to take the family on a camping trip. Her two younger siblings came along, as well as a couple of older brothers and their wives, and a few family friends. In all I suppose there were about 16 people on the trip. We found the campsite, and her father and I went to work setting up their pop-up camper trailer. Other family members set up a few large tents close by. We soon had a nice little neighborhood around a central campfire. We all had a great time together, hiking, fishing, swimming, playing cards, etc. A couple days into the trip we set up a volleyball net, and divided up into teams. My girlfriend played for a little while, then decided she would step out and go clean up a bit. Since there were no showers at the campsite, she walked over to the little camp trailer to freshen up.
A short time later someone hit a wild ball, and it took off rolling across the hard ground in the direction of the trailer, which was about 30 yards away. I took off to go chasing after it, and the ball finally came to a stop just in front of the screen door to the trailer. At that moment I had no idea what lay in store for me. The trailer was arranged so the side was the only part viewable from the volleyball area. Her family could see me standing outside, but they were unable to see the doorway.
Inside the trailer, she apparently had decided to completely undress and take a sponge-bath. I reached down in front of the door to retrieve the ball, and as I stood up she stepped from the shadows within, into the light streaming through the door, and quietly said Hi. At that moment her beauty was overwhelming, she literally took my breath away. It was as if I was seeing her for the first time. Its not that I happened to catch her this way, she had moved forward in a way which would allow me to see her. She had made the decision to share her beauty with me at that moment, and that was spectacular.
For that moment, time itself stood still, and I quite literally could hear my own heart beating. She didnt even look real. Standing in the frame of the doorway, with the light on the screen creating a slight diffusing effect, she looked more like a painting then an actual person. But she was far more beautiful than any painting I had ever seen. I was already in love with her, but at that moment my love for her burst through my heart. Not because I was able to see her nude, but because the feeling that hit me was so powerful, and touched me at such a deep level, that it triggered a very profound effect within me. I never wanted that feeling to end.
There she stood, she didnt move neither one of us moved. Part of me wanted to throw open the door, take her in my arms and kiss her, but I was frozen to that spot, just looking. I stood there, absorbing her entire being, her long dark hair framing her tiny face and big brown eyes, then falling softly over her small dainty shoulders. The grace in form from her apple sized breasts and small nipples flowed gently down through the long flat tummy and narrow waist, then widening slightly at the hips, with a small patch of soft brown hair nestled at the top of her legs. She had the softest skin of anyone I have ever known, and at that moment her skin shimmered as if it were glowing. (Domai model Victorilyn looks most like her).
Although in reality it was only a few seconds long, the moment seemed to last for minutes. But then I heard the group calling my name, yelling to get the ball back over there. I guess they thought I was just talking to her, but other than her tiny Hi, I dont believe another word was spoken. Their chatter brought me back to Earth, and I figured I had better get back before anyone got suspicious. Though I must admit, it was a pretty cool feeling knowing I had just experienced such an incredible sight with this beautiful naked young woman, while her entire family was such a short distance away. If they only knew!
I had to force myself away from that spot, my feet felt as if they had been glued to the ground. The game started up again, but my mind was now a thousand miles away. And a few minutes later she stepped back out of the trailer looking absolutely radiant in a pretty summer outfit, her long brown hair blowing in the light breeze. The rest of the day I couldnt take me eyes off her, wanting to be close to her, to hold her hand, to lightly brush the hair away from her face. We spent a couple more days camping, then packed up and headed home. It had only been a few days, but I was a different person than the one that had left.
Later, young adulthood came on with various schools and travel and other responsibilities, and eventually we went in separate directions. But over the years she and I have remained good friends and still see each other a few times a year. I will always be grateful for the years we shared and the memories we created. There couldnt have been a better person to experience adolescence with; we learned so much from each other about life and love, the give and take, the ebb and flow of a relationship. I am grateful for so many things with her, but that one very special moment with a little pop-up trailer in a sun dappled campsite will be with me for all my days.
And yes, her lovely brown eyes still dance in the sunlight.

"I have enjoyed your site for six months and have been extremely pleased with your content. Beautiful young girls, excellent photography... It is a bright spot in my life..." Clint W H <clintwharris[=at=]earthlink.net>
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