I love comics, art, and illustrated stories, so even though it probably does nothing for the "bottom line", I have many times hired artists to do illustrations and even comics for Domai.
You can find some of the earliest on the Stories page.
This issue, like a couple times before, I've been lucky enough to procure the cooperation of Adam Markiewicz, who is inspired by comics, with a unique artistic line. Enjoy!
Letters To DOMAI
Melanie's photoshoot, a true story
For many years, I have enjoyed reading the letters your members have written to share their stories about memorable experiences with beautiful women they have known and loved. I had just such an experience a few weeks ago and I felt compelled to write a letter of my own.
I am a photographer who specializes in wedding photos and senior portraits, but I also do boudoir sessions from time to time when business is slow or when I get the urge to do more creative artistic work. About two months ago, a young woman came to my studio to ask about setting up a boudoir session. Her name is Melanie and she explained that her husband had been sent to Afghanistan just a few months after they had been married. She was looking for a special gift for their first anniversary, and she told me that she had been referred by a friend of hers who had done a boudoir session with me a few months ago.
We talked for about an hour as I showed Melanie some boudoir portfolios, gave her a tour of my studio, and discussed some of the wardrobe choices and posing styles she might want to consider if she decided to do a shoot with me. Since I could tell immediately that she had never done anything like this before, I explained to her that since this was her special gift to her husband, she would have the final say on all of these important decisions. I reassured her that I would maintain complete privacy in the studio and that at no time would she be pressured to pose in fashions that revealed more than she was comfortable showing. My sense was that she was very modest and reserved, and so most of our conversation centered around sample photos that I would consider sexy yet safelingerie poses like you might see in catalogs. When she was satisfied that she felt comfortable working with me, she paid a deposit and we set up a date to shoot.
When she arrived on the day of the shooting session, Melanie was wearing a simple sundress and sandals and was carrying a small travel bag filled with the lingerie outfits she had picked out to wear during the shoot. I showed her to the dressing room and began to position and test the studio lights while she was getting ready. I have a small loveseat that I often use as a posing prop for sessions like this, so I slid that in place and waited for Melanie to finish her preparations so we could start shooting.
As soon as she stepped into the studio, I could sense that she was a bit nervous, even though her lingerie set was very conservative. We tried a few standing and sitting poses first to break the ice, and then moved to the loveseat to work on some reclining poses. After a few minutes, she relaxed and began to get into the rhythm of the shoot. I knew from the time we first met that Melanie was a very pretty woman, but her physical beauty was even more evident as she gracefully moved from one pose to another. When it was time for to change into a new outfit, I re-arranged the set and waited for her to come out from the dressing room. Knowing that she was rather modest by nature with absolutely no experience as a model, I mentally prepared myself for a series of short sessions like the one that we had just completed that would ultimately yield a collection of shots that would look very similar and, frankly, not very inspiring.
I was completely floored when Melanie stepped back into the studio after changing. I fully expected another conservative lingerie outfit like the one she had chosen for her first poses, but instead she walked toward me wearing a lacy sheer nightgown with nothing underneath but a pair of skimpy lace thong panties. Her beautiful breasts were completely visible beneath the sheer fabric, and even though she still appeared to be somewhat nervous, she almost seemed more confident now as she stood before me nearly naked like a Greek goddess. Melanie smiled when she saw my look of surprise and she explained that she had done a lot of thinking after our first meeting. She said that she wanted this anniversary gift to be truly special for her husband who was facing danger every day in a foreign land, and so she knew that the photos we created together had to be more than something anyone could see in a fashion magazine. Her beautiful body was her gift to her husband, and she had resolved herself to having the poise and the confidence to create that special gift just for him, even if it meant showing herself to me during the shoot.
I allowed Melanie to build her courage in this very revealing outfit, and so most of the first poses were in profile as she used her arms to provide coverage for her breasts that were otherwise completely visible though the gossamer fabric. As she relaxed, the poses became more relaxed and revealing as well as she took on different poses in front of the camera and let her arms fall to her sides. She was truly stunning, and as I continued to snap photos, I wondered how far her courage would take her as she continued to strike new poses. She had no experience as a model, but she exuded a simple and natural beauty with an innocent girl next door look and I knew now that the final photos would be amazing.
Her confidence grew as we continued to shoot, and Melanie continued to surprise me as she turned away for a moment, reached under her gown and slid her lacy panties down her legs and tossed them aside. I sensed that she was trying to gather her courage before turning to face the camera again, so I waited patiently and reassured her that she looked beautiful as I admired the contours of her feminine form from behind. When she eventually turned to face me again, the goddess image was complete as she revealed her naked body to me through the sheer gown. As I paused to gaze at her for a moment, I wondered if any man other than her husband had ever seen her like this. I was totally mesmerized by her beauty.
[Illustrations are clickable.]
I would have thought that she might look especially nervous now that she was wearing nothing but a thin piece of sheer fabric, but instead she looked even more glowing and radiant as she continued to move through a series of poses. As I stopped to readjust the lights, I asked her if she was still comfortable with the way that the shoot was going. She smiled and told me that it was going better than she ever imagined. When I asked her what made her decide to do such bold and revealing poses, she said that all she had to do was think about how her husband would feel when he received his special gifta gift only she could give to him. She said that she was imagining him standing right there in the room as we shot, and she wanted to show him how happy she was and how good it made her feel to know that her husband would get such pleasure from the photos she was creating just for him.
When we resumed, Melanie began to undo the ties on her sheer nightgown and let it fall to her waist for a series of poses. A few minutes later, she let the gown slide completely to the floor. She was now completely naked, and fortified by her growing confidence, she made no attempt to cover herself as she moved from one pose to the next. I continued to snap off several shots while she turned with the grace of a dancer and moved around the studio floor. My mind was racing as I tried to come with some new posing ideas, but Melanie came up with one instead. She had noticed that I had an old vintage washtub over in the corner of the studio, a prop that I had once used for some pin-up photos. She asked if it would be too much trouble to fill it with water and create some suds.
It only took a few minutes to fill the old tub with a few pails full of warm water and some liquid soap, and before long, she was reveling in the tub and covering her body with soapsuds. While I fired off a series of shots, Melanie explained that she and her husband liked to go camping and how much he enjoyed watching her take baths along the river using an old tub just like the one in my studio. When I showed her the images in the small screen on the back of the camera, she knew immediately that these would be his favorites from the shoot.
The end of the session came far too quickly for me, but I eventually dug out a towel for Melanie to use to dry off. Still completely naked, she surprised me by coming over to give me a huge hug and thanked me for helping her to make her special gift come true. After she got dressed and came out to the front room of my studio, I explained how I would upload the photos to a private password-protected online gallery reserved exclusively for her and her husband. I also gave her an estimated date for the delivery of the edited prints that she planned to organize in an album.
Just before she left, I thanked her for a beautiful and memorable session and asked if she might be interested in doing a similar shoot in the future. She flashed her warm smile one more time and suggested that since her husband would be home for their second anniversary, she would bring him to the studio so that they could do some loving couples poses to celebrate the occasion.
That afternoon photo shoot with Melanie was undoubtedly the most memorable session I have ever done, and I still find myself looking over the photos that we created that day. She was not glamorous in the phony Hollywood style, but the simple and natural beauty of her face and her lovely feminine form continue to inspire me as a creative artist. She called me after her anniversary to let me know how much her husband enjoyed her gift and to let me know that she is looking forward to shooting in my studio again. I already have the date marked on my calendar, and I too am looking forward to another chance to be inspired by this special muse who unexpectedly came into my life and provided me with some new artistic visions.
I for some time have been watching your blogs very closely and sometimes think we are quite alike. We both think while most people rather just sort of float across the top and blindly follow their peers. We also both appreciate the beauty of women, although that is not so unique to us, as I believe all (or most all) men appreciate such if they were not afraid to admit it. If you remember a few months ago I send you a link to one of my writings regarding feminine beauty. I believe it shares some very powerful thoughts regarding what I call feminography and which many inaccurately call pornography.
I have had many amazing things happen to me regarding the subject of veiling and feminine beauty. Further I had another unique thing happen presently and right after subscribing to your site and where dirt ended up having amazing beauty like I never seen before. Although this occurrence is very minor compared to some of the things I had happen it still impressed me. Personally I don't like to classify magnificent feminine beauty as dirty or dirt, as it is too special. I like to think that your site name could also stand for Delighted or Dedicated Observant Men Admiring Inspirationals.
Regarding my latest unique occurrence; right after subscribing to your site Saturday evening and after bathing we forgot to drain the bath water and then during the night the water had gone down very slowly and the next morning when I went to the bathroom I discovered the dirt or residue in the water had left very unusual and beautiful designs in the bathtub. I don't remember of ever seeing dirt or residue creating such beautiful artistic shapes. I remember of saying to myself "I did not know dirt could be so beautiful! I wish I would have taken pictures of the designs the dirt had left in the bathtub as it was amazing. It almost looked like beautiful frost designs on a window.
Well that very morning while checking out your site and thinking how this magnificent feminine beauty is sadly counted as dirt by many, I suddenly was reminded of the lesson or situation in the bathtub a short time before and where dirt actually turned out to be amazingly beautiful! Just while writing this I am now also impressed how this little demonstration of dirt being beautiful was not only given at a unique time but also given right where that nudity exists which is often called dirt and which yet can be very beautiful!
I after seeing the amazingly beautiful dirt in the bathtub then without much thought ran some water into the bathtub and washed it clean. This also reminded me of how for years I have been trying to make clean that which has been sadly called filth and dirt. Too many men are rejected and even divorced by supposed Christian wives for admiring what they call dirt, and which supposed dirt rather can be breathtakingly beautiful and cause men to much more passionately love their own wives.
Even today I am afraid most of my friends would reject me if they would know I wrote you this letter. May God have mercy on me and the many in needless frustrations and pain, because people do not understand or research the subject and who rather will promote whatever brings them honor.
Respectfully, BBA

"I have been viewing DOMAI for some time now both from the free side and from time to time from the member side as well. I mean this with all sincerity I truly believe you are providing a REAL service to the world. I have suffered from depression most of my life. Medication is useful to a point, but more than anything else it is learning to manage the disorder, stress is the key factor. I had to learn to not only what causes the stress but also ways to relieve stress.
There are many times when LIFE is pressing me down I go to DOMAI and in the smiles and beauty of the DOMAI ladies I find peace and joy, and soon I find the emotional relief that I need. I can't imagine how anyone could be depressed viewing the absolute beauty of ladies like... Princess, Zuzanna, Valya, Sascha and many, many others.
So this email is actually to say thank you to you for providing the site, and ALL the ladies for sharing their beauty. I will be back on the member side soon, but I truly appreciate that you also host the free side as well." ~ Chuck

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