We get a lot of enquiries about if it is permissible to to use Domai images as a basis for paintings and drawings. It is not easy to find nice non-sexual nude images of beautiful women, and Domai is a big source of inspiration to many. Well, copyright law is one of the many areas that keep lawyers in Mercedes. So don't take our word for this, please. Consult your lawyer if you are in doubt. But our understanding is that you can be inspired by anything you want. But you can't copy anything unless you have permission or the creator is seventy years dead. The exact line between inspiration and copying are often contested. But I think your conscience will tell you, don't you? You know if you are making the art or not. Also, if the art is not published in any form (not even the Net) or sold, you surely will not be in trouble in any case, even if you do copy in order to learn. I have sent a question to my most popular photographers about how they felt about Domai visitors using their images for art. The photographers on the list below (the photographer's name is on each image) gave their permission for use for amateur use. For use for commercial purposes, you must contact the photographer for permission. The photographers also want to be credited publicly for having been inspiration. Put on the image or next to it: "Based on a photograph by _______, used with kind permission." Or similar.
If a photographer you want is missing, or it is not noted who the author is, email us, we can ask. Eolake Stobblehouse |